Deliver the fearless organization scan to teams & organizations

The FOS Certification

“Something is not quite right… I just can’t put my finger on exactly what it is.”


How many times have you heard this?

Or maybe said it yourself?

Many teams and organizations have a storm flying under the radar. Some might be aware of it, others might not. We think about work conditions being like the weather. You’ve driven on a dark and stormy morning, right? Even if you’re the best driver in the world, the conditions are going to make driving harder.

In the same way, employees can’t perform at their peak until work conditions are clear or, in other words, until they feel secure enough to show up without reservation. Psychological Safety is the foundation for the effectiveness and agility of every team. Because human systems are naturally complex, strong and healthy Psychological Safety isn’t created by default. It has to be guided and cultivated.

This is where you come in.

As a FOS certified practitioner, you can administer, interpret and utilize the Fearless Organization Scan to identify levels of Psychological Safety in teams and organizations.

Denise presenting to course attendees

Provide an accurate benchmark.

After 25+ years of research, Dr. Amy Edmondson published “The Fearless Organization” in 2019. Along with Google’s landmark 2016 Project Aristotle study, the data from Dr. Edmondson’s research was conclusive: Psychological Safety is the most important factor in team effectiveness and performance.

The Fearless Organization Scan is an instrument developed by Amy Edmondson’s team that is designed to provide a map of team members’ perceptions of Psychological Safety. This instrument has been designed to be:

  • Accurate
  • Fast
  • Inexpensive

This instrument utilized the Psychological Safety Index (PSI) that was created from the research to predict performance by measuring perceptions of Psychological Safety in four dimensions:

  • Inclusion & Diversity 
  • Teaming & Helpfulness
  • Attitude to Risk & Failure
  • Open Conversion 


Is this certification for you?

Internal Practitioners

HR professionals, Learning and Development practitioners, Executives, Managers, and Leaders looking to support the organization through the development of highly functional teams.


External Practitioners

Consultants, Executive or Business Coaches, or other freelance practitioners looking for an effective tool to use with clients.

Here's how the program works.

You will join a small cohort of like-minded professionals for training delivered in a lively, interactive virtual environment. In addition to four content-packed group sessions, your certification process will include a pilot scan of a team of your choice and two one-on-one supervision sessions.

This Program includes:

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Four live, virtual workshops (3 hours each)

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Pilot scan for a team of up to ten people

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Two private supervision sessions (one hour each)

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Access to the FOS portal

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Your own FOS dashboard

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Access to a global cohort of FOS practitioners

Mockup of scan results presented in a tablet

Here's what you'll learn.

Module 1 Understanding the Concepts

The background to the PSI scan and it’s benefits. Introducing the survey within your training cohort.

(3 hours, group)

Module 2 Debriefing the Results

Walking through how the scan is debriefed with a team and how results are examined.

(3 hours, group)

Module 3 Understanding the System and Survey

A more detailed look at the scan survey, platform, and data, including instructional videos on how to use the FOS portal.

(3 hours, group)

Application Pilot

Participants are supported to integrate and apply their learning by using the FOS with a team of their choice. Participants will set up their own pilot team in the portal and debrief the results. Two 60-minute supervision sessions are provided by faculty members for each participant to support this process.

(solo, with supervision)

Module 4 Application Experience & Commercials

Debrief of experience, detailed logistics, commercials, getting started.

(3 hours, group)

Choose Thought Design for your certification process.

When you choose Thought Design for your certification process, you join thousands of leaders and practitioners who have experienced the unique approach Thought Design brings to the design and delivery of important learning experiences.

Our decades of experience working with leaders and organizations, integrating our training in neuroscience, adult learning science, organizational psychology, coaching and instructional design with our practical, on-the-ground leadership experience brings creativity, energy and a practical, real-world approach to our partnership with the Fearless Organization Scan.

Ready? Let's get you enrolled!

Fearless Organization Scan Certification Training

Starting September 12, 2024

 Cost – $2,195

Join us for 4, 3-hour virtual sessions and leap your way into implementing the Fearless Organization Scan in your organization or team.

Sessions are held on September 12th, 19th, 26th, & October 17th at 10:00 AM ET (New York)

Have another question? Reach out!