Leadership Training & Coaching

Virtual Empowered Leader

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Empowered Leader Course

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Leadership Coaching

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Programs for Educators

You want to be a leader worthy of being followed. But if you’re like most (good) leaders, you know there’s room for improvement. Whether you figure a little professional development can’t hurt or are experiencing full-fledged imposter syndrome, we can help.

You can choose to dive right into one-on-one leadership coaching with our seasoned coaches, but we almost always recommend kicking off your growth by enrolling in our signature program, the Empowered Leader course. This 16-session course (with optional add-on coaching) doesn’t just give you tools and skills to better manage your team. It helps you create a consistent environment where your team can function on a whole other level.

The Empowered Leader course is broken into two 8-session parts, Empowered Leader I & II— now with the option to enroll in Empowered Leader I virtually.


Assess Leadership Readiness

Measure, score, and interpret who is ready for leadership development training.

Psychological safety is the secret to our sauce.

The Empowered Leader course is designed specifically to equip leaders with the skills they need to build empowered, psychologically safe teams and organizations

Great, but what’s psychological safety? Put simply, it’s the culture leaders create that makes it easier for their teams to get creative, share ideas, enter into difficult conversations, enjoy their work, and feel connected… not just as co-workers who put up with one another, but as humans on a collective mission.

Here's how the course works.


Participate in a session.

Join leaders from a variety of industries every other week for an interactive, two-and-a-half-hour training session where we'll unravel 8 topics critical to leaders' success. All sessions are held virtually (so that you can join from wherever you're at!).


Practice what you learn.

You know how once you see something, you can't unsee it? In the same way, you won't be able to ignore opportunities to experiment! Expect your homework to feel a whole lot more like "get to" than "have to."


Get one-on-one feedback.

While you can take the course without one-on-one coaching, this cherry on top takes learning to the next level. With this value-packed add-on, you'll meet with an instructor between sessions to get blunt about what's really happening with your team.

Then, we repeat the process for each new topic!

The Empowered Leader course is broken into two parts.

Scheduling can be tough. To make it easier, we split the Empowered Leader course into two parts that you can book separately or all at once. Here are the modules we cover in Empowered Leader I, the first eight sessions of the course.

Foundational Themes

Understand why psychological safety is the non-negotiable, core ingredient to high performance and healthy culture.

Developing Others

Compare multipliers (who bring out the best behaviors & ideas) and diminishers (who shut down intelligence, creativity, and energy).

Reduce the Drama

Explore the mindsets and practices that stop unhelpful patterns in their tracks and develop habits that lead to growth and empowerment.


Understand how leaders can successfully navigate the flood of decision-making & problem-solving in a world of ambiguity.

Curiosity & Empathy

Explore the neuroscience of curiosity, and learn how to activate it to foster learning, connection, and innovation.

Self + Other Awareness

Using DISC and the 12 Driving Forces, gain greater awareness of your own superpowers, how to notice those of others, and areas ripe for conflict and connection.

Productive Conflict

Develop effective patterns of communicating with candor and support healthy “creative abrasion” that leads to innovation, creativity, and trust.

Structured Thinking

Implement structured thinking to help you identify priorities and get more of the right things done individually and throughout the team.

Here's what we cover next.

The following modules are covered in Empowered Leader II, the second eight sessions of the course.

Impostor Syndrome

Uncover feelings that lead to unproductive behaviors, like holding back, procrastination, self-sabotage, and burnout (in yourself and in those you lead).


Explore the mindsets, practices, and commitments needed individually & collectively to get work done well, on time, and without conflict or drama.


Make sense of failure from a neurobiological perspective, and understand how it impacts the way a team learns, innovates, and collaborates.

Culture of  Feedback

Review methods on how to create a feedback-rich culture that enables real-time learning, builds trust, and creates a strong connection with your team.

Developing Others

Discover how to listen deeply, probe for the issue under the issue, and ask great questions to unlock the potential of your employee or team.

Polarity Thinking

Break the cycles of frustration, conflict, and stagnation by learning how to leverage the many polarities in our complex world.

Creating Change

Identify roadblocks that are standing in the way of the changes you most want and need. Then, finally embark on a realistic plan to overcome them.

Moving Forward

Articulate the transformation that has unfolded throughout the course, and complete a personal development & action plan for moving forward.

Want the coaching but not the course? We offer that, too. This button is for you

Before you enroll, you might be wondering...

Who teaches the course?

Empowered Leader I & II are taught by Thought Design founder, Denise McClennen, and business partner, Tara Colvin. You can read about the extensive experience of both instructors in their bios.

How much time will the course take?

Empowered Leader I & II each meet virtually for 2.5 hours every other week for a total of 16 sessions, or around 40 hours of instructional time. Homework is naturally integrated into your work life and should not require additional dedicated time. If you choose to enhance your course participation with one-on-one coaching, you can expect to add a 60-minute virtual coaching session between each in-person training.

When is the next course being offered?

The next Virtual Empowered Leader course begins on Thursday, May 22, 2025.

Is there an in-person version of this course?

Yes! View more information about our in-person Empowered Leader course here.

What if I have to miss a session?

Have a conflict with one of the sessions? No worries! We record each session, so you can easily catch up.

Who will benefit the most from leadership training?

Preparing individuals to thrive in leadership roles is more challenging than ever before. Identifying who is poised for development and understanding their specific needs can be a daunting task. It requires a clear understanding of the criteria to assess and the methods to measure them.

We offer a free tool that will help you measure leadership development readiness - check it out here!

Who else will be in the sessions?

This is the best part! Rub shoulders (virtually!) with folks from all sorts of industries leading in all sorts of ways. We promise, no matter the mix, you will find common ground... and probably a friend or twelve along the way.

Is the one-on-one coaching enhancement worth it?

Honestly, it's a steal. Clearly, we're biased, but it would be unkind of us not to give you all the facts. This course is transformative on its own, but a downright powerhouse when combined with coaching. Here's why—no matter what we discuss in the classroom, there are always going to be intricacies to sort out in real life. (i.e. "Yeah, this sounds good... but probably won't work with Bill" or "That's easy to say, but they haven't seen the dynamic between Sue and Bev.") These coaching sessions allow us to get down to the nitty gritty so you can apply what you learn without a doubt. Plus, outside of Empowered Leader, individual coaching with us costs about 35% more!

What if I just want coaching, not the course?

We recognize that you may have unique or urgent needs and desire to skip the course and work directly with a coach. We offer that, too! Simply reach out, and we'll start the conversation about a personalized program.

What if I want to bring all the leaders in my organization through the course?

First, this tells us that you're the kind of leader that makes things happen! We like that about you and would love to explore the possibility of hosting a private Empowered Leader course just for your people. Start the conversation here.

Have another question? Reach out!


    Ready? Let's get you enrolled!

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    Enroll with coaching – $2,600 

    Empowered Leader I

    with Coaching

    Take part I of the course (20 hours) with six sessions of one-on-one coaching.

    Upcoming Course Dates

    The next Virtual Empowered Leader I course begins on Thursday, May 22, 2025.

    Join us virtually (from wherever you are!) as we meet on the following dates from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., for a total of eight virtual sessions.

    • May 22, 2025
    • June 5, 2025
    • June 19, 2025
    • July 3, 2025
    • July 17, 2025
    • July 31, 2025
    • August 14, 2025
    • August 28, 2025

    Coaching Information

    One-on-one coaching takes this course to a whole new level! Meet with your instructor between each session to get into the nitty-gritty of your particular circumstances.

    Coaching booked with the Empowered Leader course is 35% less than if it's added after the course is over!

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    Enroll without coaching – $1,400 

    Empowered Leader I

    without Coaching

    Take part I of the course (20 hours) without coaching.

    Upcoming Course Dates

    The next Virtual Empowered Leader I course begins on Thursday, May 22, 2025.

    Join us virtually (from wherever you are!) as we meet on the following dates from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., for a total of eight virtual sessions.

    • May 22, 2025
    • June 5, 2025
    • June 19, 2025
    • July 3, 2025
    • July 17, 2025
    • July 31, 2025
    • August 14, 2025
    • August 28, 2025

    Need more individualized guidance? Keep scrolling...

    Denise pointing at a paper on a desk to attendees of a Thought Design Course

    All leadership coaching, no course.

    There are some instances where skipping the Empowered Leader course and moving right into one-on-one leadership coaching with one of our seasoned coaches makes more sense. For example:

    You’ve already completed the Empowered Leader course

    Your circumstances are unique or especially sensitive in nature

    You have a need that requires urgent attention

    If one of these sounds like you, let’s talk.
    Simply click “Start the Conversation” to grab a time on our calendar and see if we’re a fit.