2024 By Design Retreat

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January 19, 2024


Making lasting change doesn’t have to be so hard.

We got sick and tired of failing at our New Year’s Resolutions every years and decided to design a process that actually works. In this immersive Thought Design half-day retreat, you’ll learn new ways of thinking, strategize your goals for the year, and develop a plan to actually achieve them!

” This will be the most empowering 3 hours of your year, we promise. “

– Tara

Here's what we do in the retreat.

During the 2024 By Design Retreat, you will:

  • Reflect on highlights, struggles and shifts of previous years
  • Discover your “word of the year”
  • Define core strategies that will focus your intentions
  • Strategize quarterly goals
  • Plan out monthly priorities, experiments and learning opportunities
  • Create a detailed roadmap for the first 90 days [Q1] of 2024
  • Explore pathways towards achieving your vision of the future
  • Design 2024 to be your best year yet

Become more aware of the patterns and habits that are getting in your way of lasting change.

Keep moving in the directionyou've set even as life sends you curve balls.

Learn about new tools,strategies, and thinking to help you all year long.

Receive accountabilitysupport from monthly check-ins!

Before you enroll, you might be wondering...

Who teaches the retreat?

The 2024 By Design Retreat is taught by Thought Design business partner, Tara Colvin. You can read about the extensive experience of Tara in their bio.

How much time will the course take?

This retreat is a half-day session with add on accountability options.

What is your cancellation policy?

The success of your experience is incredibly important to us, so we do a lot to prepare for each retreat. If you need to drop out of your retreat, you have the option to transfer the registration to another offered date or pass it along to someone else.

Who else will be in the room?

This is the best part! Rub shoulders with folks from all sorts of industries. We promise, no matter the mix, you will find common ground... and probably a friend or twelve along the way.

What if I want to bring everyone on my team?

First, this tells us that you're the kind of person that makes things happen! We like that about you and would love to explore the possibility of hosting a private 2024 By Design retreat just for your people. Start the conversation here.

Have another question? Reach out!

Reserve your spot today!

    January 19th, 2024

    Thought Design | 9:00am-12:00pm

    Enroll Now

    Attend the retreat (a single 3-hour session) for $97.

    Attend the retreat (a single 3-hour session) with add on 30-minute monthly group check-ins (February-November) for $154.